隣り合う (tonariau): to adjoin each other, to sit side by side
Last updated on September 13, 2021.
My name is Nadja Arthur, easily findable on internet as @tonariau. I'm a 22 years old visual designer based in São Paulo, Brazil. My main interests are arts and technology and I pretty much enjoy anything related to cyberculture, semiotics and games.
In my spare time, I love listening to music and playing games! Drawing is also a hobby I cherish ever since I was a kid. I engage with social causes and I believe design and technology are strong political weapons we must not be afraid to use. :)
Some trivia: I'm an Aries (Aquarius moon and Leo rising). My MBTI varies between ENFP-T and INFP-T. My enneagram is 4w3 (sexual variant). I use they/them pronouns, but I'm confortable with she/her or he/him too (oh! and yes, I'm a non-binary). Since I'm from Brazil, my mother language is PT-BR.